The first part of the sales funnel for Robert Kirby International's personal development program, Being Different Changes The World, involved sending 3 e-mails in as many weeks to a house list. Here's the client-edited version of E-Mail 2. Please also see E-Mail 1 and E-Mail 3.
Subject: [Recipient's First Name], which one of these 2 personality types are you?
E-Mail Headline: Is Your Life Aligned with the Creative Force?
Body: Which type of person are you?
In my experience, people can be divided into two groups.
Let's call them the 1. Survivalists, and the 2. Experientialists.
Survivalists typically consider themselves to be the alpha dogs in what they think is a dog-eat-dog world.
They operate in survival mode virtually 24/7/365.
Stress, exhaustion, overwhelm, “vigilance” . . . are but the price to pay for “success”.
What only a few of these people realise is that they are most likely chasing after their own tails . . . preoccupied with keeping up with the Joneses . . . fodder for the rat race . . . and frankly unclear about where life is taking them.
The experientialists, on the other hand, savour the present—they are neither preoccupied with the past nor obsessed about the future. They experience, look for and absorb the lessons, and grow forward.
The brain-wave activity of an experientialist differs from that of a survivalist. No surprises there.
The experientialist's coherent brain-wave activity indicates not only balance, but also stability and harmony.
To align your life with the creative force that exists in and around each of us, you must first deal with the false thoughts and emotions that originate in the unconscious mind.
I will be giving hands on practical help with implementing this at my free workshop coming up soon “Unlock Your Brain Power”…
Book Your Seat Here for FREE event “Unlock Your Brain Power”
Let's focus on emotional instability for the moment because it is pretty complicated.
Emotional instability involves not only emotions, but also your energy, cells and muscles.
E-Mail Headline: Is Your Life Aligned with the Creative Force?
Body: Which type of person are you?
In my experience, people can be divided into two groups.
Let's call them the 1. Survivalists, and the 2. Experientialists.
Survivalists typically consider themselves to be the alpha dogs in what they think is a dog-eat-dog world.
They operate in survival mode virtually 24/7/365.
Stress, exhaustion, overwhelm, “vigilance” . . . are but the price to pay for “success”.
What only a few of these people realise is that they are most likely chasing after their own tails . . . preoccupied with keeping up with the Joneses . . . fodder for the rat race . . . and frankly unclear about where life is taking them.
The experientialists, on the other hand, savour the present—they are neither preoccupied with the past nor obsessed about the future. They experience, look for and absorb the lessons, and grow forward.
The brain-wave activity of an experientialist differs from that of a survivalist. No surprises there.
The experientialist's coherent brain-wave activity indicates not only balance, but also stability and harmony.
To align your life with the creative force that exists in and around each of us, you must first deal with the false thoughts and emotions that originate in the unconscious mind.
I will be giving hands on practical help with implementing this at my free workshop coming up soon “Unlock Your Brain Power”…
Book Your Seat Here for FREE event “Unlock Your Brain Power”
Let's focus on emotional instability for the moment because it is pretty complicated.
Emotional instability involves not only emotions, but also your energy, cells and muscles.
Let's take a quick look at each:
• Energy
Your life energy is shaped by your past and present environments. Negative feelings such as shame, guilt and anger weaken your life energy. Conversely, positive feelings such as love, support and inspiration strengthen it.
• Cells
Each of the body's cells has a memory. Neurotransmitters (signaling chemicals) and neuropeptides (protein-like communication molecules) constantly transmit the status of the body's default emotional state. In other words, our future is literally defined by the emotions we choose to feel over and over again.
• Muscles
Each of us will experience the fight-or-flight dilemma many times in our lifetime. Our response or reaction to a person, incident or challenge can trigger a muscular response, which is then “burned” into the subconscious mind.
As you can see, our brain-wave activity is influenced by life energy, muscular response and cellular activity. In turn, these three areas are fuelled by our emotions.
If you wish to experience the benefits of coherent brain-wave activity . . . live a life of effortless flow and manifestation . . . and unlock the true power of your brain, you'll want to come along to our FREE 3 hour training “Unlock Your Brain Power”
Book Your Seat Here for FREE event “Unlock Your Brain Power” – Places limited and time is running out!
I look forward to seeing you there.
Robert Kirby
P.S. I consider it a blessing and a privilege to be able to help many people become the joyous, healthy, successful and powerful beings we were all destined to be. Here are some comments from them:
“I highly recommend Robert’s programs to anyone wanting serious change in their life.”—Shelley Viscovich
"I live in Los Angeles and have access to every possible therapist, guru, healer you could ever want or need in a lifetime. And I have been to many of them. Yet, none of them compares to Robert Kirby. I had the pleasure of working with him just one time, and he told me things about myself and gave me a plan of attack that I still use every day. Within meeting me in a short period of time, he put words to struggles I have been battling my entire life. Robert gave me real hope as the techniques he teaches are so practical and they take the guess work out of personal growth. I wish I had met him a decade ago when I first started therapy. I'd have saved a lot of money."—Craig Bergman, Writer
“When I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease I became angry, resentful, and fell deeply into victimhood. After finding and working with Robert Kirby I was able to own and experience the many ways my painful childhood had settled in my gut and I had closed off my heart. I was filled with trauma from the past that hadn’t been addressed or acknowledged. Robert used techniques that led me to release beliefs, emotions, and feelings that were at the core of my illness. With his help I healed from a disease that I had been told repeatedly was incurable. I am eternally grateful for Robert’s wisdom and his determination for me to recognize and listen to the language of my body and live from my heart.”—Holly Riley, Author of Allowing: A Portrait of Forgiving and Letting Life Love You
“Opportunities seem to present themselves to me and I am much clearer on making the right decision from within and moving with it rather than missing out as I had done in the past.”—Steve Ellison, Look Design
“Robert Kirby is a highly experienced, committed and passionate facilitator, counsellor, psychotherapist, teacher & leader. I have known and worked closely with Robert Kirby for over five years - as my teacher, therapist, mentor and now colleague. I have found him to be both professional & honest in his conduct, with me, his students & clients, in all areas of his practice including one on one sessions, group work, live-in retreats, workshops & Heart Energetics Training modules.”—Dr. John Stellios, Anaesthetist, Counsellor and Pyschotherapist
"I wholeheartedly encourage you to go forward in your life and if you have an opportunity to be around Robert, grab it with both hands and hang on for the ride of your life, i did and i feel so grateful to have had the experience.”—Deb Hibble, Core/Heart Energetics Therapist, Registered Nurse and Midwife
I'm looking forward to welcoming you to the free workshop about the new Unlock Your Brain Power If you haven't already, Please…
Book Your Seat Here for FREE event “Unlock Your Brain Power”
• Energy
Your life energy is shaped by your past and present environments. Negative feelings such as shame, guilt and anger weaken your life energy. Conversely, positive feelings such as love, support and inspiration strengthen it.
• Cells
Each of the body's cells has a memory. Neurotransmitters (signaling chemicals) and neuropeptides (protein-like communication molecules) constantly transmit the status of the body's default emotional state. In other words, our future is literally defined by the emotions we choose to feel over and over again.
• Muscles
Each of us will experience the fight-or-flight dilemma many times in our lifetime. Our response or reaction to a person, incident or challenge can trigger a muscular response, which is then “burned” into the subconscious mind.
As you can see, our brain-wave activity is influenced by life energy, muscular response and cellular activity. In turn, these three areas are fuelled by our emotions.
If you wish to experience the benefits of coherent brain-wave activity . . . live a life of effortless flow and manifestation . . . and unlock the true power of your brain, you'll want to come along to our FREE 3 hour training “Unlock Your Brain Power”
Book Your Seat Here for FREE event “Unlock Your Brain Power” – Places limited and time is running out!
I look forward to seeing you there.
Robert Kirby
P.S. I consider it a blessing and a privilege to be able to help many people become the joyous, healthy, successful and powerful beings we were all destined to be. Here are some comments from them:
“I highly recommend Robert’s programs to anyone wanting serious change in their life.”—Shelley Viscovich
"I live in Los Angeles and have access to every possible therapist, guru, healer you could ever want or need in a lifetime. And I have been to many of them. Yet, none of them compares to Robert Kirby. I had the pleasure of working with him just one time, and he told me things about myself and gave me a plan of attack that I still use every day. Within meeting me in a short period of time, he put words to struggles I have been battling my entire life. Robert gave me real hope as the techniques he teaches are so practical and they take the guess work out of personal growth. I wish I had met him a decade ago when I first started therapy. I'd have saved a lot of money."—Craig Bergman, Writer
“When I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease I became angry, resentful, and fell deeply into victimhood. After finding and working with Robert Kirby I was able to own and experience the many ways my painful childhood had settled in my gut and I had closed off my heart. I was filled with trauma from the past that hadn’t been addressed or acknowledged. Robert used techniques that led me to release beliefs, emotions, and feelings that were at the core of my illness. With his help I healed from a disease that I had been told repeatedly was incurable. I am eternally grateful for Robert’s wisdom and his determination for me to recognize and listen to the language of my body and live from my heart.”—Holly Riley, Author of Allowing: A Portrait of Forgiving and Letting Life Love You
“Opportunities seem to present themselves to me and I am much clearer on making the right decision from within and moving with it rather than missing out as I had done in the past.”—Steve Ellison, Look Design
“Robert Kirby is a highly experienced, committed and passionate facilitator, counsellor, psychotherapist, teacher & leader. I have known and worked closely with Robert Kirby for over five years - as my teacher, therapist, mentor and now colleague. I have found him to be both professional & honest in his conduct, with me, his students & clients, in all areas of his practice including one on one sessions, group work, live-in retreats, workshops & Heart Energetics Training modules.”—Dr. John Stellios, Anaesthetist, Counsellor and Pyschotherapist
"I wholeheartedly encourage you to go forward in your life and if you have an opportunity to be around Robert, grab it with both hands and hang on for the ride of your life, i did and i feel so grateful to have had the experience.”—Deb Hibble, Core/Heart Energetics Therapist, Registered Nurse and Midwife
I'm looking forward to welcoming you to the free workshop about the new Unlock Your Brain Power If you haven't already, Please…
Book Your Seat Here for FREE event “Unlock Your Brain Power”
Here's the original version of E-Mail 2.
Copyright © Benedict Paul