• A spec sales page for a brand of Scotch whisky
• A pro bono website copywriting project (web pages and infographics) for The Sean Costello Memorial Fund for Bipolar Research • A web sales packet for Budget Brainiacs, a fictitious financial product—an AWAI practice exercise • One of four byliners I wrote for a British B2B PR agency • A 4-page website for a Dubai-based shipping company • A 4-page website for the Middle Eastern operations of a German automotive, marine and industrial maintenance solutions company • An AWAI exercise project (e-mail lift note, landing page & order page) for a fictitious financial literacy program • A sales page promoting a weight-loss e-book written by an elite bodybuilder and celebrity trainer & nutritionist • A video promoting bodybuilding, nutrition & other services of The Hardbody Team • Web page copy for First Steps Recovery and SoCal Addiction Treatment • A sales page promoting a podcasting course • A sales page promoting archery lessons • A speculative landing page promoting Copy Hackers' Disco visitor survey app • Opt-in page promoting a webinar aimed at spiritually inclined, weight-troubled women • Squeeze pages for one of the world's leading advocates of intrapreneurship • Web pages for a Transylvanian food & culture destination • A Slide Show and associated web pages promoting aviation products & services • A web page aimed at getting speaking engagements for Noam Tamari-Wekser, one of the world's leading intrapreneurship experts & speakers • A landing page promoting a skin-care cream • A landing page promoting an information product • A sales page promoting a joint supplement • A digital display ad with video and Amazon Product Detail Page for a patented video chat illumination device for iPads and laptops. AWAI/CHAT LIGHT Challenge 3rd Place Winner • The first 4 of an e-mail autoresponder series for a financial education website • A sales page for a stress-management info product targeting women entrepreneurs and small-business owners • A speculative web page promoting the Hala Weekly Packs of Qatar's Ooredoo • A web page promoting a free workshop about an Australian wealth training • A web page promoting an Australian wealth training • An e-mail promoting a wealth training • An e-mail promoting Part 2 of an Australian workshop series which explores 'purpose, love, money and you' • An e-mail promoting an Australian personal-development workshop • E-mail series and lead generation page for an Australian client • Sales page selling a diet pill • Web page, including video copy, for an American client |
Direct Response/Mail Order
• A print ad with an order device for a patented video chat illumination device for iPads and laptops. AWAI/CHAT LIGHT Challenge 3rd Place Winner
• Direct-response promotion selling a men's multivitamin • Direct-response promotion for an American client • A "we support you" letter from the marketing department addressed to frontline staff • One of my early attempts at writing long copy • Here's one more—this time, a fundraising letter General
• A spec idea for a mental health campaign (Middle East)
• A video-first brand campaign proposal for NYC & Company's New York City Brand Revitalization Campaign • Two digital/social media video concepts for the Bistro Bowls sub-brand of Canada's Clover Leaf (a CROWDiate competition submission) • A campaign proposal for the Chefs Plate cook-it-yourself meals brand (a CROWDiate competition finalist) • A campaign proposal for Goldfish Crackers (a CROWDiate competition submission) • A poster promoting eco-friendly holidaying (@OneMinuteBriefs competition submission) • A launch proposal for a scalp care brand (a CROWDiate competition submission) • Two posters promoting Adobe products (@OneMinuteBriefs competition submission) • Two character-origin video concepts for the Jolly Rancher gummies brand (a CROWDiate competition finalist) • A press, poster & video campaign proposal for The Globe and Mail (a CROWDiate competition submission) • !ndigo Love of Reading Foundation print ad-cum-poster (a CROWDiate competition submission) • Three video concepts for a Canadian sparkling water brand (a CROWDiate competition submission). • Alternative Genius + The Drum competition submissions: Do It Day press ad, and the Creativity Fights Back cover design • A B2B letter addressed to a niche target audience • Press ad promoting a star hotel's Sunday Brunch • Magazine ad promoting two restaurants of a star hotel • Two outdoor advertising ideas for a new modular furniture brand • Brochure promoting a brand of edible bird's nest in Singapore • A speculative leaflet promoting the Hala Weekly Packs of Qatar's Ooredoo • Bio of the founder and director of Australia's Robert Kirby International • A flier promoting the retreats of Robert Kirby International • A flier targeting a subgroup of the target audience for an Australian wealth training • A folder for an Australian workshop about wealth—also see this folder for the same workshop but for a different target audience • Catalog copy for the world's #1 cricket gear maker • Three speculative radio spots for Toyota UAE • A print ad for the Qatar launch of the final Harry Potter novel • A print ad selling a coffee table book • Two topical ads for the Lexus 460 • A flier for The Apollo Clinic • A poster promoting scented candles at pharmacies • An old print ad for an IBM Authorised Centre for Education Click here for more copy samples